
The Project

Welcome to LIFE2M,
the driving force behind a cleaner and more sustainable future

Our mission is simple:

to promote micromobility as the most efficient and eco-friendly way to navigate urban and peri-urban areas. We believe that by making micromobility more accessible and sustainable, we can overcome the main obstacles hindering its adoption and create a greener tomorrow.

 Let’s make micromobility the way of the future, together!

What we do:

Our innovative approach focuses on developing and demonstrating new technological elements and components, with a special emphasis on hybrid supercapacitor technology. Through our retrofit service and introduction of innovative microvehicles powered by these cutting-edge accumulators, we aim to make micromobility more economically advantageous for private users and sharing service operators alike.
We recognize the importance of raising awareness about micromobility and its impact on the environment. That’s why we’re developing communication tools and campaigns to educate the public on the benefits of this mode of transportation, while also addressing road safety and environmental concerns.
We’re dedicated to developing sustainable business models, strategies, and best practices to ensure the continuation of our demos and the sustainability of the micromobility market in all its forms.

No, it is not the same old story.

The biggest and most persistent source of environmental (and economic) unsustainability in electric micromobility is the battery pack.

Even with private use lasting 4 years, the battery accounts for up to 40% of GHG emissions in the vehicle’s life cycle assessment, due to both its limited lifespan and the materials used in its production.

For shared vehicles, with a more realistic lifespan of just 2 years, the problem is even more severe.

The innovative techniques that LIFE2M proposes to apply and demonstrate are based on the use of new types of accumulators and charging systems, based not on the use of classical lithium-ion batteries mixed systems or conventional supercapacitors (SCs), but on the latest generation of hybrid supercapacitors